Thursday, December 27, 2012


I'm obsessed with Owls. I think they are the cutest things ever! I'm not sure what really started it all but pretty much every time I see one I fall in love with it.
This is my newest find for my new place:

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Saturday, December 22, 2012

Home for the Holidays

My trip home to California for Christmas was a much needed vacation! It was my longest break in over a year. Sometimes I really miss school because I loved having the long breaks where I could go home for weeks at a time and just relax. I was so exhausted from moving right before that I slept for most of my time home but I don't think I would have it any other way. I needed it more than I knew. I did do some fun things though.

Admired my Dad's new GORGEOUS kitchen
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Applebees with my Mom
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 Homemade sugar cookies with my Mom
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 Battle wound from my cookies 
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Played with my Maggie, she opened her Christmas gift early...
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Enjoyed my Mom's THOUSANDS of decorations 
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Crazy Calissa 
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BFF time 
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Cake Pops! 
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 Snuggling with Maggie Lou 
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Headed back to the Snow
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Anddd the cold... 
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She was a trooper the whole ride to Idaho
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Thursday, December 20, 2012

Moving Day

Today is Moving Day!
No longer do I have to live with someone else and rely on them. I get to have my own place again and I couldn't be more excited!

Thank goodness for my awesome jeep. Between it and a U-haul I was able to move all my things over to my mom's duplex. I cannot wait to set up the house how I want it. I have really missed having my own little space. Also having more than JUST a bedroom. Thank you Mom for all your help! I couldn't have done it alone. 

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So long empty bedroom! You will not be missed.
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Saturday, December 15, 2012

Salt Lake City Trip

Today I went down to Salt Lake for the second day in a row. Yesterday for my date to the game and today for a branch activity. I don't know what I was thinking going there and back two times in one weekend. I should have stayed over Friday night and just met up with everyone on Saturday.
We didn't leave Salt Lake on Friday until about 1am so we got home around 4. My date was falling asleep the entire way home so I had to try to keep him awake the whole time he was driving. It had been a really long day and we both were exhausted. I was suppose to get up at 5:30 Saturday morning to head down with the branch but that didn't happen. Considering I only got about an hour of sleep there was no way my body was waking up to my alarm, in fact I'm pretty sure I forgot to even turn the sound on my phone. I ended up missing the bus and I thought for sure I would have to miss out on the day. After talking to my mom, my aunt and uncle decided to drive me down there to meet up with everyone. Man are they great! I ended up not missing much and had a really great day Ice skating, shopping, and visiting temple square to look at the Christmas lights. 
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This store had the NEATEST home items. Their furniture and decorations were gorgeous. All of them had a ton of character and were very high quality. If I had the money there is no doubt that I would furnish my whole house in items from that store!
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By the end of the evening there was a ton of snow. It started snowing right when it got dark and there were no signs of it letting up. I was a little worried about the drive home, so yet again I had my eye on the driver the whole ride. 
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Friday, December 14, 2012

Jazz Game

I have now been to my second professional basketball game. I loved it! It was the Jazz vs. Toronto. This time I was rooting for the Jazz. My first ever game was the Jazz vs. Kings so of course I had to root for the Kings. They are my team.

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Jazz won!!!!! 131-99
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Saturday, December 1, 2012


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This little guy's name is Archie and he is Mastiff mix. Talk about cute though. He has an adorable personality and is in the awkward puppy stage where he looks ridiculous when he tries to get anywhere quickly. He sat and cuddled with me for most of the evening and it was much fun. My friend is just watching him for a few months for her brother. I want a dog soo badly. I love when they cuddle with me and keep me warm.