Tuesday, July 24, 2012


     The things we do for fun here in Idaho really surprise me! Especially during the summertime..For instance swimming in Canals. When I first moved to Idaho I hardly knew what a Canal was, I just knew it was a thing that held water for people to water their crops from. I know that's basically what it is but I had no idea the FUN you could have in it.
     Last night I got invited to go to "the box" and "the slide" in the Canal. I had no idea what either of those were but I decided to be adventurous. Basically "the box" is a place underneath a bridge over the canal where the water is shot out from some sort of pipes. In this "box" basically a small whirlpool is created. You can jump into it and it will spin you in to circles sometimes shooting you out into the current of the canal. As long as you keep your legs up and tucked into you its actually really fun! Otherwise they get banged up pretty good.
     About 50yards down the canal there was a little ramp, almost, that the water would flow over. It was difficult to get to the top without the current pushing you over the top, but it was possible. Once balanced at the top you could stand up and lean towards the bottom of the ramp and it was so slick from the moss that you could slide right down. The water wasn't all that clean but I just had to keep telling myself it wasn't any worse than the River. Who would have thought so much fun could be had at a Canal! I guess that's another thing to check off the bucket list!

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