Saturday, September 29, 2012


I randomly got the urge to be crafty today, so what better thing to do when you are in a crafting mood then to look on Pintrest. 
This is what I came up with:

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Since Halloween is coming up I figured it would be an appropriate project and I think it actually turned out super cute! 
Maybe I do have a little bit of my mom's creative/crafty side in me after all!

Saturday, September 22, 2012


I finally found the watch I have been looking for! After lots of searching I finally found a nice white watch! Who knew it could be so hard?! 
The best part about it was the watch was even on sale! Talk about meant to be :)

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Friday, September 21, 2012

Idaho Falls Treasures

Today my brother and I drove to Idaho Falls to pick up my mom. We decided to try to find a store to do a little shopping for Andrew. My GPS led me in some weird directions but I found some really cool things in Idaho Falls! Who knew it was such a neat town!

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Most gorgeous fountain I have ever seen. This picture does not do it justice, I took it out my front windshield which was covered in bugs at the time. I wish I could have stopped for a better picture but I was stuck in a roundabout. 

Then around the fountain were these amazing office buildings...
There architecture was incredible! If we had more time I would have loved to get out and explore them more closely.
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Friday, September 14, 2012

Snorting Pepper

Can I just say my little brother is the best ever! We fight a lot but since he has moved to Idaho we have really grown to be great friends. He is turning into a really thoughtful and kind young man. The next two years of my life are going to feel really empty without him around. I've been trying to really embrace every moment that I get to spend with him lately. I'm sure he is sick of me wanting to hang out with him all the time, but I think he understands why so he just amuses me. 
Who can't help but love a kid that goes through the pain of snorting pepper to entertain a table of people and "earn five bucks"!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Halloween Houses

Tonight I spent the evening helping my little cousins build their foam Halloween houses. It was so fun to spend the time with them. They are so cute and get so excited about the little craft projects. I really miss the little turkeys being around all the time!

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[Kaleb's House, Quinton's House, & Avery's House]

Saturday, September 8, 2012

No shame...

Some people just have no shame. This couple sat in the Boise Mall sucking face for all to see. This guy sucked on her neck for at least 20 minutes. I was watching above in awe that people can be so disgusting. Get a room. There are little children all around you.
After a while a security guard went up to them and asked them to please stop being so affectionate in public because they were making people uncomfortable. HAHA. The two proceeded to say NOTHING to each other or the security guard.
Every once in a while the guy would sneak another little kiss in after carefully checking his surroundings for people watching.  I couldn't watch after a while because it was just too ridiculous. Note to self...excessive PDA is NO BUENO.

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Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Life Goes On

I am really trying to remember this today... 

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Lately I have really been letting the little things get to me. I need to get this tattooed on my hand or something so I can remember it whenever things get tough.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


What a cool program! It is actually pretty accurate..
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On the left is what I look like right now, and on the right is what my goal weight is. 
I have a long way to go. I have been extra motivated lately though which is really exciting for me. 
I wanna be comfortable in anything I want to wear like I was senior year.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Twin Falls County Fair

Last night was the Twin Falls County fair. Who knew it would be so hard to find someone that wanted to go with me? Everyone was all fair-ed out for the summer except for me it seemed like.
This was the first time I had ever been and it sort of reminded me of the fair at home.
The little donuts were to DIE for. They were so delicious. I got the combination plate that had chocolate, cinnamon with sugar and my personal favorite maple.
I got another airbrush tattoo but I was not nearly as impressed. The black looked grayish blue and faded after a day or so.

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Largest Rabbit I have ever seen, hands down!
I'm not sure where these mutant rabbits come from but they are massive here in Idaho.
Look how small the black one on the left looks next to it:

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The black rabbits always remind me of my bunny Missy :'(
I miss having pets...

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Tornado Warning

We had a tornado warning yesterday, it was SO intense! I didn't know there was such a thing in Idaho but apparently it is more common than I thought.
I was just watching TV with my brother, minding my own business when all of the sudden he asked me if I had heard about the Tornado warning today. I thought he was joking so he told me to look it up. At this time it was about 3:40. Sure enough there was a warning that was ongoing until 4:15.
We immediately went outside on the lawn to observe. The sky was like nothing I had seen before.
It never touched down but you could see the rotation of the clouds. The wind, rain, and hail we got hit with was something fierce. The news repeatedly told us to go into a basement or room with no windows but we couldn't resist watching the weather. Drew and I both love tornadoes.
The news was saying that the strongest rotation was over the Burley airport, which is right across the river from my house.
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The hail sounded like it was going to break our windows and the wind blew our trash can from the side of my house, all the way over to my car. 

This was a picture a friend sent me:
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I've never seen a sky like that...

The sunny opening in the sky is where the cone of the tornado was...
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After the storm the geese wanted in the house, they pecked on the window for at least a half hour.

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