Friday, August 31, 2012

Pete's Dragon

It shocked me to see how few of my friends have watched Pete's Dragon. It is such a classic movie! Granted it came out in 1977, which was a little before our time, but it still is a must watch for children.
It was on TV tonight so I made Allison sit down and watch it with me. She claims I forced her, but you could tell she really enjoyed it. She even admitted it changed her life.
I'm still able to sing along to most of the songs.
I remember when I was little listening to Candle in the Water allllll the time and dancing around the living room. I even got to play it one time on the piano.

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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

30 Before I'm 30

I decided to make a 30 things to do before I'm 30 list. I have 8 1/2 years to accomplish it all, I think it is pretty doable :)

1) Get Married
2) Have a child
3) Get a passport and Use it!
4) Go on a cruise.
5) Get Bachelors Degree
6) Be at my goal weight
7) Skydiving
8) Parasailing
9) Photograph a photoshoot
10) Swim with Dolphins
11) Design a home (whether it gets built or not)
12) Buy a home
13) Ride in a helicopter
14) Visit a french speaking country
15) Get a dog
16) Go spelunking
17) No debt (With the exception of a house)
18) Read at LEAST 3 books a year
19) Visit at least 5 new states
20) Watch the sunrise and Sunset in the same day
21) Be in two places at once
22) Climb Half Dome
23) Do the spudman
24) Learn how to dance
25) ???
26) ???
27) ???
28) ???
29) ???
30) ???

Monday, August 27, 2012

Guys and Jeans

Is it just me or does a nice pair of jeans on a guy make them more attractive?! Maybe I am shallow but pants are one of the first things I notice in a guy.

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This isn't the best picture because honestly I don't care what the brand is, its the fit that I care about. If a guy can rock a pair of jeans send him my way! Most people don't understand why, heck I don't even understand why. Maybe I like a guy with a toosh? 
This seems like a really random/dumb post but lately I have just been having a lot of questions about whether certain jeans look good or not. I figured I better document this because I am curious to see if in the coming years they are still something that I really pay attention to.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Girls Nights

Sometimes a girls night is needed and my first night of living alone seemed to be just the night for it. This is going to be a huge adjustment for me, I have never lived alone for more than maybe a week at a time. I'm grateful I have family and friends close in case I need anything.
Comfort food, sunsets, music, and a chick flick seem to be the perfect combination for a good girls night. 
Thank you friends for being so awesome!

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Friday, August 3, 2012

Cell Phones

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I don't think that this could be any more true. Its amazing how prominent technology has become. Everywhere you go it is common to see people on their cell phones, whether they are talking, texting, playing a game or checking their social media accounts. Smartphones have given us the ability to have the internet at our fingertips. There is an app for EVERYTHING. Society is becoming very impatient and people always want things right NOW. 

If someone doesn't text you back immediately or answer the phone when you call, it is the end of the world. You start to worry about the person or you begin thinking they are mad at you, when in reality they're busy or were doing something more important than talking to you all day long. I feel like cell phones can put a lot of strain on relationships because it takes away from giving people space and time apart.

Don't get me wrong I am as guilty as the next person, I LOVE my Iphone. It is just interesting to think of how much the times have changed.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Cowboy Boots

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I finally got Cowboy Boots and I am in LOVE with them! I had no idea they would be so comfortable and so fun. I can't believe I waited so long. I am officially set for the up and coming rodeos now :)

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Minidoka County Fair

This week has kicked off the Idaho County Fairs! 
This week is Minidoka County's Fair. In two weeks it will be the Cassia County Fair and in the beginning of the summer it will be the Twin Falls County Fair. I am beyond excited!
I'm all geared up and ready for fun :)
This week celebrates the 100th Anniversary of the Minidoka County Fair.
To celebrate they gave out free cobbler and ice cream. The lines were super long but were definitely worth it. It was probably some of the best cobbler I ever had. We could choose between Raspberry, Cherry, and Peach. Of course I went for the Raspberry and wow was it amazing!
Tonight was also the night for the cattle sorting event. I didn't have the slightest idea of what it was but it ended up being fun to watch. Basically what they do is set up a fence in a figure eight formation. Inside the figure eight there are 10 cows. They are each labeled with different a number 0 through 9. Then there is a team of two people each on horses. The announcer will call out a number, for example he will call out 3. Then the team has to find the cow labeled 3 and get it to opposite side of the figure eight, followed by the cow labeled 4, then 5, then 6 and so on in order....They have one minute to get as many cows as they can to the other side. I only heard of one team getting all 10 cows through in order all night. It was entertaining to watch and there were some GORGEOUS horses. The one in the picture below is probably my favorite type of horse ever.

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Running Shoes

I always knew that it was important to have good shoes when exercising. I bought new tennis shoes a few months ago and they were awesome for playing volleyball. When it came to running in them my feet would start to hurt shortly after I began to run. It was really frustrating. The other day I saw these ones on sale and I thought they were really cute! I tried them on and they seemed comfortable, but then again so did my last ones. I decided to give them a try though since they were considered "running shoes:" They have honestly made a HUGE difference. I find it much easier to run and there is less strain on my joints. I'm really excited about them and they are helping improve my motivation to go to the gym!

Last night I went and played my usual Tuesday night softball for a couple hours. I even found the energy after to go on a Jog/Power Walk on the river path with my brother.

It was a beautiful evening, it was still hot even at 10:30PM.