Sunday, April 8, 2012


Happy Easter! It was so nice to share mine with my family. 
We made the traditional Easter cupcakes and delivered them to the family.

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Friday, April 6, 2012

Christmas in April

My mom has been visiting from California and today we decided to take a trip to Twin Falls to do a little shopping. I should have emphasized the little some more, I ended up going a little hog wild today. Granted I have been saving for some big purchases, but I don't think I quite was ready for how much I was going to spend. My favorite purchase probably had to be my new CAMERA :) I have been wanting a nice camera for sometime and I finally got it. Its a Nikon D5100. I figured I should share my first picture.
Lets just say I am in LOVE. But my mom is a bad influence, every time she comes to visit I spend a lot of money. Last time she here I bought my new Jeep. I'm scared to see what comes of her next visit...

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