Thursday, December 27, 2012


I'm obsessed with Owls. I think they are the cutest things ever! I'm not sure what really started it all but pretty much every time I see one I fall in love with it.
This is my newest find for my new place:

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Saturday, December 22, 2012

Home for the Holidays

My trip home to California for Christmas was a much needed vacation! It was my longest break in over a year. Sometimes I really miss school because I loved having the long breaks where I could go home for weeks at a time and just relax. I was so exhausted from moving right before that I slept for most of my time home but I don't think I would have it any other way. I needed it more than I knew. I did do some fun things though.

Admired my Dad's new GORGEOUS kitchen
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Applebees with my Mom
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 Homemade sugar cookies with my Mom
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 Battle wound from my cookies 
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Played with my Maggie, she opened her Christmas gift early...
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Enjoyed my Mom's THOUSANDS of decorations 
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Crazy Calissa 
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BFF time 
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Cake Pops! 
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 Snuggling with Maggie Lou 
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Headed back to the Snow
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Anddd the cold... 
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She was a trooper the whole ride to Idaho
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Thursday, December 20, 2012

Moving Day

Today is Moving Day!
No longer do I have to live with someone else and rely on them. I get to have my own place again and I couldn't be more excited!

Thank goodness for my awesome jeep. Between it and a U-haul I was able to move all my things over to my mom's duplex. I cannot wait to set up the house how I want it. I have really missed having my own little space. Also having more than JUST a bedroom. Thank you Mom for all your help! I couldn't have done it alone. 

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So long empty bedroom! You will not be missed.
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Saturday, December 15, 2012

Salt Lake City Trip

Today I went down to Salt Lake for the second day in a row. Yesterday for my date to the game and today for a branch activity. I don't know what I was thinking going there and back two times in one weekend. I should have stayed over Friday night and just met up with everyone on Saturday.
We didn't leave Salt Lake on Friday until about 1am so we got home around 4. My date was falling asleep the entire way home so I had to try to keep him awake the whole time he was driving. It had been a really long day and we both were exhausted. I was suppose to get up at 5:30 Saturday morning to head down with the branch but that didn't happen. Considering I only got about an hour of sleep there was no way my body was waking up to my alarm, in fact I'm pretty sure I forgot to even turn the sound on my phone. I ended up missing the bus and I thought for sure I would have to miss out on the day. After talking to my mom, my aunt and uncle decided to drive me down there to meet up with everyone. Man are they great! I ended up not missing much and had a really great day Ice skating, shopping, and visiting temple square to look at the Christmas lights. 
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This store had the NEATEST home items. Their furniture and decorations were gorgeous. All of them had a ton of character and were very high quality. If I had the money there is no doubt that I would furnish my whole house in items from that store!
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By the end of the evening there was a ton of snow. It started snowing right when it got dark and there were no signs of it letting up. I was a little worried about the drive home, so yet again I had my eye on the driver the whole ride. 
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Friday, December 14, 2012

Jazz Game

I have now been to my second professional basketball game. I loved it! It was the Jazz vs. Toronto. This time I was rooting for the Jazz. My first ever game was the Jazz vs. Kings so of course I had to root for the Kings. They are my team.

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Jazz won!!!!! 131-99
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Saturday, December 1, 2012


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This little guy's name is Archie and he is Mastiff mix. Talk about cute though. He has an adorable personality and is in the awkward puppy stage where he looks ridiculous when he tries to get anywhere quickly. He sat and cuddled with me for most of the evening and it was much fun. My friend is just watching him for a few months for her brother. I want a dog soo badly. I love when they cuddle with me and keep me warm. 

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Ginger Bread House

Today Emily and I made gingerbread houses. It has been a really long time since I made one but we were in Twin the other day and once we saw them we couldn't resist. What I didn't remember was how LONG they take to make. It took us a solid 4 hours and I don't feel like I have much to show for it. It was really fun to have to try to be creative on my own. I only wish I had more patience. After a few hours I was ready to call it quits but at that point my house was still quite plain. 

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[Our gingerbread houses side by side]

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[Emily snapping pictures]

Friday, November 23, 2012

Christmas Trees

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Today I had the urge to do crafts with my mom. After a little searching on Pinterest I figured out what I wanted to do. I went shopping and rounded up the supplies. It was a little difficult to get the cardboard to bend into a cone shape like I needed but after a lot of practice I got better at it and my trees became less and less lopsided. I even purchased my first glue gun!

Thursday, November 1, 2012


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This is me holding my Dad's hand after my aunt Linda's wedding. I was only two but I was asked to be her flower girl. Look at that mullet I have going on, what was my mom thinking!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Cali Drive

This morning I got up bright and early to begin the LONG drive home. This weekend is Andrew's Farewell and I couldn't miss it! Its going to be the last time I am going to see him for 2 whole years. I think its pretty important to be there. 

I was up early enough to see the Sunrise...That doesn't happen very often!

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I can never resist snapping a picture of myself on the long 10 hr drive.
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This tunnel is one of my favorite parts of the drive, it means I am nearing half way home.
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Thursday, October 18, 2012

It's OK!

Its OK....

  ...that I am a hermit sometimes. just come home from work, put on sweats and do nothing.

  ...that I LOVE naps! already be counting down until Christmas. be planning my Black Friday Shopping List already. not have a plan.

  ...that I want a new job.

  ...that I want a dog SO badly.

  ...that I am really scared to move anywhere.

  ...that I am not always in control of my life.

  ...that I have been lazy at the gym, at least I've been going right?

  ...that I feel like I'm all over the place lately.

  ...that I'm not perfect.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Q & A

  1. List 20 random facts about yourself.

  1. I have a younger brother and three younger step sisters.
  2. I grew up in Livermore, California.
  3. I love food too much. 
  4. I check my Facebook and Instagram too many times in a day.
  5. I love waking up without an alarm.
  6. I taught piano lessons when I was in high school.
  7. I love summers in Idaho but hate the winters.
  8. I miss living next to my best friend, life is a lot harder without her around all the time.
  9. I hate spiders.
  10. I have to swallow peas because I hate the flavor of them.
  11. I'm very observant. 
  12. I'm usually pretty quiet until I warm up to someone.
  13. I enjoy time to myself.
  14. I love going for drives.
  15. I like to see new places and want to travel the world.
  16. I don't function without goals.
  17. I wish I was 3 inches shorter.
  18. I'm a terrible singer but I still love to sing along with my favorite songs.
  19. I make wishes at 11:11 and on shooting stars.
  20. I dream of country living, I already have my house designed. I want a big red barn, horses, pigs, and a huge garden.

  2. Describe 3 legitimate fears you have and explain how they became fears.

  1. I'm scared of being alone forever, I have never been in a promising relationship. I know I am really young and have a lot of time, it just scares me. I see everyone around me in happy relationships and it makes me wonder what I am missing.
  2. The thought of someone breaking into my house scares me. I live in a big, spread out house all alone. My room is separated from the rest of the house, so it make it really difficult to hear the front door or anything that is going on. 
  3. I'm afraid of embarrassing myself. I worry about embarrassing myself and so I always do everything in my power to avoid it. I need to learn not to care what people think of me. 

  3. Describe your relationship with your parents.

  • Now that I have spread my wings and live on my own I have a pretty great relationship with my parents. When I was in high school we had different opinions on what was best for me. I wanted to grow up and be independent and they were trying their hardest not to let me. It caused a lot of contention. Now it is more of a friendship I have with them, I call for advice or to tell them new things that are going on. I miss them tons and wish that it was easier to see them more often. 

  4. List 10 things you would tell your 16 year-old self, if you could.

  1. Stay involved in the sports and work hard to be better at them. 
  2. Practice the Piano more. 
  3. It doesn't matter what people in High School think of you, most of them you will never care about after you graduate. 
  4. Tell your parents you love them and are thankful for them often. 
  5. Hang out with your brother more, he is actually a pretty cool kid. 
  6. Go to church and listen.
  7. Be more outgoing.
  8. Don't worry so much about your weight.
  9. Smile!
  10. Have FUN!

  5. What are the 5 things that make you most happy right now?

  1. My family. 
  2. My busy life. 
  3. My jeep.
  4. My friends.
  5. The sunshine.

  6. What is the hardest thing you have ever experienced?

  • Its a tough choice between moving to Idaho and the whole year of 2012. Moving to Idaho was really hard for me. It started off new and exciting, because I finally felt like I was growing up. It was sooo difficult to leave my friends and family though. Starting over is not easy! I knew no one except family but even then we had never been very close. It took a good 4 months or so for me to finally make friends. Then it was a long process getting to know them.
    So far 2012 has been pretty dang hard to. I have felt like I have had no control over my emotions like I used to. For once in my life I let someone get to me and really tear me apart. I started to make the same mistake over and over. On top of it I have still been adjusting to my first year of working a "real job" and let me tell you, trying to become a morning person is a near impossible task for me. I've had to learn how to budget my OWN money and I've had to make a lot of decisions that were new to me. I think I am just ready for this year to be over and I'm hoping for new and better things come the new year.

 7. What is your dream job, and why?

  • My dream job is to be an Architectural Drafter. I love houses and I would love to get to draw and design them all day long. I wouldn't want to be an Architect because I know the added responsibility and pressure would probably take the fun out of it for me. Plus if I had enough experience to be an Architectural Drafter I could work from home, which would be a total dream!

  8. What are 5 passions you have?

  1. Cooking. 
  2. Sports.
  3. Music.
  4. Crafting. 
  5. Photography.

  9. List 12 people who have influenced you and describe how.

  1. My mom, she has taught me everything I know about life.
  2. My dad, he always pushed me to be my best and work hard.
  3. Andrew, showed me how to have fun and make things simple.
  4. Daisy, taught me manners and how to be a nice person.
  5. Brittney, taught me the meaning of a true friend.
  6. Cassie, a great example of an all around good person.
  7. Grandpa Wilson, taught me to never give up on things that I want.
  8. Grandad, taught me the importance of education.
  9. Grandma Wilson, taught me patience and little acts of kindness.
  10. Grandma Davis, showed me how to be a giving person.
  11. Amanda, showed me what its like to live with another person and how to be a good listener. She is very wise.
  12. Pat, taught me everything I needed to know about Drafting and how to be a good employee. He helped me to really love it.

  10. Describe your most embarrassing moment.

  • Nothing really comes to mind. I do embarrassing things all the time. I can't think of anything too severe though.

 11. Describe 10 pet peeves you have.

  1. Dirty dishes in the sink. 
  2. Stinky garbage.
  3. A house that doesn't smells.
  4. People's ignorance.
  5. Noisy/Sloppy eaters.
  6. People that don't use coasters.
  7. People who speak unnecessarily loud.
  8. Conspiracy theories.
  9. Messy toothpaste.
  10. People who do not supervise their children.
  12. Describe a typical day in your current life.

  • Well.... I wake up at 5, get ready for work and am there by 6. I work until 4:30, sitting at a computer all day. Then I usually go to the gym, and grab something quick to eat. Then I am at some sort of activity the rest of the night. Or if nothing is going on I usually relax at home watching TV.
  13. Describe 5 weaknesses you have.

  1. Cannot stay angry with a person, even if I really should. 
  2. People pleaser. 
  3. Lacking confidence.
  4. Too critical. 
  5. Laziness.
  14. Describe 5 strengths you have.

  1. Finish things I start.
  2. Practical.
  3. Goal Oriented. 
  4. Forgiving.
  5. Always hopeful.

  15. If you were an animal, what would you be and why?

  • According to an online quiz I am a Mouse....
    • Mice personalities are enormously successful and are well represented throughout cities and suburbs. Living in close proximity to larger animal personalities, they survive by utilizing the resources others consider insignifiant, and because of their limited consumption mice place very little stress on the environment. They are quiet, compliant people and they disappear into their homes after work without ever drawing attention to themselves.
    • There can never be enough money in the mouse's bank account. Like their rodent cousins the packrats, mice are manic about hoarding their resources and planning for the future. If anyone were to look inside a mouse's garage they'd be struck by the mountains of old newspapers, boxes, and broken tools piled to the ceiling. These objects represent security and peace of mind for the mouse, and parting with them would be like separating from a lover. Consequently, they are often seen scurrying around swap meets and garage sales, eagerly adding to their collection.
    • Mice are uncomfortable when exposed in the open, and their timidity forces them to keep a low profile. They enjoy the security of numbers and join social organizations like the Rotary Club or the chamber of commerce to enhance their acquisition of resources. Their work environments are always neat and well organized and they take great care to ensure that things are always in their correct place. They are creatures of habit and need schedules and routines to make them feel in control.
    • With their small personalities, mice find it difficult to compete in the business world. Consequently, they almost never own their own business, relying instead on the abilities of larger animal personalities to lead the way. they are content to function as a cog in the wheel of a large corporation. Dependable workers, mice are often found as customer service representatives, factory workers, bank tellers and librarians.

  16. What are your 5 greatest accomplishments?

  1. Graduating High School.
  2. Graduating College.
  3. Buying my first car.
  4. Getting my first real job. 
  5. Being financially independent.

  17. What is the thing you most wish you were great at?

  • I wish that I was great at being social and interacting with other people. I tend to sit back and observe everyone. If I would just join them and let loose I think I would have more fun.

  18. What has been the most difficult thing you have had to forgive?

  • Forgiving myself for treating others poorly.

  19. If you could live anywhere, where would it be and why?

  • I would live in my own home, out in the country, right here in Burley, Idaho. I love everything about this town and would love to grow old here. The people are so kind and everything that is needed is right at my fingertips. Yet there are bigger towns not too far away that have everything a person could possibly want/need.

  20. Describe 3 significant memories from your childhood.

  1. I remember all the weekend trips I used to take with my parents and how fun it was to have so much family time.
  2. I remember visiting Idaho and it was always the highlight of the year.
  3. I remember hanging out with my aunt and cousins all the time. We were so close.

  21. If you could have one superpower, what would it be and what would you do with it first?

  • If I one superpower it would be the power to teleport. I would go home to California immediately! Then I would probably go and visit a bunch of other neat places. 

  22. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? 15 years?

  • I hope that in 5 years I will have my first home and will be happily married, trying to prepare for the future. Still working as a drafter.
  • In 10 years I hope to have started a family of my own and be pursuing my dream of Architectural Drafting. 
  • In 15 years I hope to be able to work from home as an Architectural Drafter and be in the process of building my dream home. 

  23. List your top 5 hobbies and why you love them.

  1. Playing the piano, I love the challenge and the ability to create music.
  2. Watching my TV shows, it is very relaxing to me.
  3. Playing recreational sports, it helps me to blow off steam and just have fun. 
  4. Shopping, I love getting new things.
  5. Photography, I am still practicing but I really enjoy capturing all the little moments in life.

  24. Describe your family dynamic of your childhood vs. your family dynamic now.

  • My family was a lot closer when I was a child. There was a lot less contention and we did a lot of things just for fun. My family now is very separated and we don't spend as much time with each other anymore. Everyone has separate lives.

  25. If you could have dinner with anyone in history, who would it be and what would you eat?

  • I would have dinner with my Aunt Charlene that I never met, we would eat one of my grandma's home cooked meals.

  26. What popular notion do you think the world has most wrong?

  • I think the notion of getting things for free is wrong. Especially when it comes to things like food stamps and government support. Most of the people in the system are people that don't really need it. It is heavily abused because society has become very lazy. They think that everything should be handed to them and shouldn't have to be worked for.

  27. What is your favorite part of your body and why?

  • Probably my hair. It can really be a pain in the butt sometimes but I am grateful that I have so much and that it grows so fast.

  28. What is your love language?

  • My love languages are Quality time and Physical touch. I like when someone wants to spend time with me and be around me all the time. I also like hugs and being close to the people that I care about. 

  29. What do you think people misunderstand most about you?

  • I think people think that I am stuck up when they first meet me. I am a pretty shy person at first and it takes me a long time to open up and feel comfortable. I don't think it always gives off the best vibes. 

  30. List 10 things you would hope to be remembered for.

  1. I want to be remembered as a loving friend, daughter, sister, and hopefully wife and mother.
  2. I want to be remembered as someone who made a positive impact on another's life.
  3. I want to be remembered for serving others.
  4. I want to be remembered as a trustworthy and honest person. 
  5. I want to be remembered as a dedicated worker. 
  6. I want to be remembered as someone who had patience.
  7. I want to be remembered as a positive person. 
  8. I want to be remembered as someone who wasn't judgmental.
  9. I want to be remembered as a good listener. 
  10. I just want to be remembered. 

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Carrie Underwood and Hunter Hayes

HAPPY THURSDAY! Aka Friday for me :)

Carrie Underwood and Hunter Hayes were AMAZING last night!!! It was hands down the best concert I have ever been to. Granted it was my first "real" concert. Every other concert I have been to has been outdoors in an amphitheater,  which I now realize does not even compare to my experience last night.
Our seats weren't all that close but they turned out to be awesome!

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I was expecting Hunter Hayes to be good but he blew me out of the water. That kid is SO talented! He is a total beast on the guitar and his voice was equally as impressive. When he played the piano while singing Wanted, I immediately felt like I had gotten my moneys worth. I hope that he goes far in his career cause he is amazing! Not to mention easy on the eyes ;) (BTW he looks much older in person)

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Carrie Underwood surpassed all my expectations. I knew she had to be a great singer if she had made it all the way through American Idol, they have no choice but to be great when they are live. However, I could not believe how she could sing SOOO strong for a solid 2 hours. She went from singing a hardcore rock song to a slow song, without any pitch problems. The stage effects were pretty awesome also, it is amazing the things they can do to make the song that much better! She had 5 costume changes and each one was interesting the way it went along with the songs she chose to sing. I was so happy she didn't only sing from her new CD. 

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Hunter and Carrie even sang a song together! Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App 
 After last night I want to go to concerts more often! Although hopefully next time there won't be little teenage girls in front of us standing up the whole time doing some odd dance moves.

On the way down to the concert we HAD to stop at in-n-out burger. I have been craving it!!!
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Now off to Oregon/Washington for the weekend with my family. One last hoorah with the brother for 2 years!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Its OK!

Its OK...

  ...that I don't take as many pictures as I wish I did, I will always have the memories and its never to late to start snapping more pictures.

  ...that I don't sleep enough, at least I am living life.

  ...that I rely too much on caffeine.

  ...that my brother is leaving me for 2 years, I know he is going to be where people need him a lot more than I do.

  ...that I crave Taco Bell pretty much everyday.

  ...that I want to live in my leggings and uggs.

  ...that I forget to water the houseplants, oops!

  ...that I love Halloween and everything that comes along with it. be angry that McSteamy got killed of Grey's Anatomy and that I might just give up on the show.

  ...that I am addicted to the TV.

  ...that I check my phone and facebook way too much.

  ...that I love sappy love songs and chick flicks when I am sad.

  ...that I keep making the same mistakes over and over. One of these days I will learn.

  ...that I am so stubborn sometimes.

  ... to agree to disagree.

***Carrie Underwood and Hunter Hayes tonight!!! I CAN'T WAIT :)***

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


The panoramic picture capability of my iPhone is probably one of the coolest things that came from the new ios6 update.

This is what I do all day everyday at work...

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I stare at the computer screen and draw parts for machines all day. 

Monday, October 8, 2012


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This pretty much describes my evening. I'm not sure why I let things get to me sooo much sometimes but I just could not contain it any longer tonight. I guess sometimes it just needs to be let out. 

Thank goodness for a good friend, cookie dough ice cream, and a chick flick. Without those I'm pretty sure I would have cried out every ounce of water in my body.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Haunted Mansions in Albion

The beginning of Fall is one of my favorite times of year. 
I love harvest.
I love the weather, not too hot, but not too cold.
I love the upcoming holidays.
I love the scary movies.
I love the haunted houses, straw mazes, and corn mazes.

Tonight we went up to the Haunter Mansions in Albion. The owners really out do themselves and I think it is worth every penny. It amazes me that it used to be an actual college in Albion. Who would have thought to put a college there? Its the middle of nowhere pretty much. I think the part that makes me enjoy it even more is knowing that my Grandpa Wilson went to college there many years ago. He walked down the same halls that I did, played basketball in the gym I walked through, and slept in one of the dorm rooms that I went through, all before it was "spooky" and abandoned. 
It really makes me wonder what things are going to be like when I have grandchildren. Things change so much over one persons lifetime.

 It was Andrew's first year going to the Haunted Mansions and I think the was the biggest chicken of us all. It made it really fun though. Its always fun when there is someone more scared then you that isn't afraid to scream when something freaks him out. Last year they added the "paranormal" building and it was back this year. I think it was one of the best parts of the evening because the guys took it upon themselves to help out the actors and scare everyone that was wandering around. It was mighty funny!
They also added a corn maze this year, it was probably the fastest I have ever been to a maze. All thanks to Andrew's awesome leading skills.

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Wednesday, October 3, 2012


This is probably one of my favorite faces on Earth right now.

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Taylor Kitsch
Talk about drop dead sexy! 
I fell in love with his character Tim Riggins. on Friday Night Lights. He is one of few guys that can pull off the long shaggy messy hair look. Although I gotta admit I'm loving the short hair.
Everyone always said that Battleship wasn't that great of a movie but I personally loved it, granted its probably only because he was in it. 
Doesn't this face just make the day better?! ;)

Speaking of Friday Night Lights... I have a new favorite quote:

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